from 09.06.07 to 09.06.27
Certificate of Lamarty trademark
Certificate of trademark №360325 p>
A right holder -Ltd. & quot; Syktyvkar Plywood Mill & quot; 167026, Syktyvkar, Ukhtinskoye Avenue, 66 (RU) p>
from 10.06.05
CERTIFICATE for the PlyPan trademark
This certificate is issued for the PlyPan trademark (service mark) to Syktyvkar Plywood Mill LTD in respect of the 19th class of goods (services) – "non-metal building materials; ...". The certificate is valid until August 24, 2011. Duplicate applications №1 EVIDENCE indicates a change of the trademark right holder address.
from 24.03.05 to 15.10.34
CERTIFICATE for SyPly trademark
- Certificate of trademark SyPly 2004-2014 (0,10 Mb) (print)
- List of goods (services) for which the trademark is registered (Appendix 1 to the Certificate) (0,15 Mb) (print)
- Certificate of Registration in the USA 2005-2015 (0,52 Mb) (print)
- Application for renewal of the SyPly Trademark Certificate 2014-2024 (1,43 Mb) (print)
- Notification of SyPlyTM extension in China for 2024-2034 (0,25 Mb) (print)
from 18.12.01 to 18.12.31
CERTIFICATE of the trademark logo
This certificate is issued for a trademark (service mark) to the Syktyvkar Plywood Mill LTD in relation to the following goods (services) – "non-metallic building materials; ...". Color combination: white, green. The certificate is issued for a period of 10 years and is valid until December 18, 2011. A duplicate of Appendix No. 1 indicates a change in the address of the trademark right holder.